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This strand invites you to review research in dance education. Learn how research helps practice in the field.

  • Who conducts research in dance, dance education and related disciplines?
  • Why conduct research?
  • Why read research?
  • What relevance do the findings have in my teaching/learning situation?
  • Where can I find out more?
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DEW menu professional development site map technology technology dance teaching & learning teacher resources research dance notation and motif dance notation and motif dance forms and styles for your input for kids only documentation & preservation dancemaking & performance curriculum & assessment advocacy

OhioDance website

dance research links

Arts and Learning Special Interest Group

Forum for discussion of issues related to research in arts and education. Information on the Journal of Arts and Learning
Arts-Based Educational Research Special Interest Group
Forum for discussion of arts-based approaches to educational research.
The Arts Connection
Special issue of Educational Horizons (Summer 2000)
Arts Survive: A Study of Sustainability in Arts Education Partnerships
Link to a Harvard Project Zero report on a research investigation on successful attributes of arts education partnerships
Hands-on Dance Project
Ongoing interactive dancemaking project includes research papers
Youth Starts with You
Research on youth development

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update 3/2003
photo credit: School of Creative and Performing Arts, by John Sheppa