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This strand invites you to consider myriad ways of helping dance learners to learn and dance teachers to teach.

  • What methods should I use?
  • Why should I strategize?
  • What concepts and skills are best learned at what age?
  • With what previous experience?

Learn methods and strategies used in real dance classrooms to support best practice in dance education.

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DEW menu professional development site map technology technology dance teaching & learning teacher resources research dance notation and motif dance notation and motif dance forms and styles for your input for kids only documentation & preservation dancemaking & performance curriculum & assessment advocacy

OhioDance website

teaching and learning links
The National Arts and Education Information Network
Arts Education Partnership

National coalition of arts, education, business, philanthropic, and government organizations that demonstrates and promotes the essential role of the arts in the learning and development of every child and in the improvement of schools

The Arts Connection
Summer 2000 issue of Educational Horizons with articles on the arts-academics connection (in PDF format)
Arts Education: Basic to Learning
Summer 1999 special issue of Northwest Education Magazine
Online services supporting arts education from the Getty Education Institute
The Art and Science of Teaching/Learning Dance
In this paper, Joan Walton discusses the theory of multiple intelligences as applied to dance and what sports psychologists have to say about teaching and learning dance.
Center for Artistry in Teaching
Focused on effective teaching as an art form

d.a.n.c.e. IMPACT

Columbus Public Schools dance IMPACT program
The Knowledge Loom
The Knowledge Loom, a web-based resource on what works in teaching and learning, includes a searchable collection of promising practices on a range of topics and a special focus on professional development that includes research-based practices and examples of those practices in real schools.
Multiple Intelligences and Arts Integration
" Busting Multiple Intelligences Myths" by Barbara Pearson, reprinted from ArtLinks, October-November 1998 .
Web Library: Resources for Teachers
A forum for practitioners of Labanotation and Motif Description to exchange educational materials and ideas, from the Alliance of Dance Notation Educators. Anyone with materials or ideas they would like to share is encouraged to submit them for consideration.

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update 3/2003
photo credit: Ellie Munnell of Dance Image, by Ronald N. Wilson